Transforming scientific work into genuine artificial intelligence solutions

Automated license plate recognition (ALPR) from cameras offers numerous applications. In Iterait, we have built a system helping cities to control the compliance of citizens when parking on controlled parking zones. Learn more about our case study in Prague districts.

Discover the portfolio of our successful solutions in various domains.

Diabetes type 1 is a serious disease causing long-term complications. IsletNet, an AI powered web app, assists doctors in its complicated and highly time-consuming treatment. The solution was developed in cooperation with the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)

Keep ahead of your competitors using innovative AI technology and get to know your customer. Discover the possibilities to enhance your business. Get crucial insights into your customer's behavior in an offline world and satisfy their needs proactively.

The ability to call anybody and anywhere is taken for granted these days. However, this is not true for more than 450 million people around the globe with hearing loss. Hear-O will give this opportunity to all of us by translating American Sign Language to text using Iterait's artificial intelligence.